
I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. ~Nelson Mandela

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

What's on my mind.

Hello everyone,

I was thinking and it occurred to me, women are probably the most strongest creatures out there. No, I'm not saying this because I am one. But honestly if you think about it, I mean really think about it, they are. 

A women must go out everyday into a world that looks down upon them. A world where men, not all but a lot, disrespect them... in every way. Where equality is a joke to some. Where women are constantly harassed. Looked at more like objects than something.. some ONE that is living with a heart and emotions. Looked at more as eye candy, sexual objects, a price, a toy, a punching bag, a therapist, a victim, a listening device that will take whatever you throw at them. Expected to stay quiet because we are the "lesser".

This is a world where a female is not safe. Where a woman can't even walk down the street without being objectified. There are some women who are terrified to be alone with a man, to walk around by themselves, who don't dare walk alone in the dark, life myself. It doesn't matter if you are wearing a dress too small to fit your ass in or if you are covering every inch of your body with sweats. They are cloth, all as easily ripped off as a band aid.

Flirting is not consent. The amount of clothes you wear is not consent. Being vulnerable is not consent. Saying no, is not consent.

Still though, we dare go out into this disgusting world trying not to think about what could happen in an instant. Trying to be successful in this world when we are constantly pushed to back down and stay there. Where a woman's equality is a utter joke. 

Equality - the state of being equal in status, rights, and opportunities. If you make a certain amount of money for the same job as I am doing, I expect equal pay. If you hold a door open for me, I will hold one for you. If you feel that if equality between a man and a women means that you can hit one another, damn right, but don't expect to not be hit in return. The key, respect. 

If a woman wants to wear close to nothing. Respect that. If they want to wear baggy clothes to hide their body, or even if it's just for comfort. Respect that. If a girl is wearing leggings and god damn if their ass looks nice because we all know that it most likely does, be respectful and do not do anything. IF the girl is heavy even and is wearing them, do not say anything. Realize that the body pressure we all are faced with is only eradicated if we stop looking at certain body types with ignominy, and sayings like “No Fatties” only make it worse. Most women who don’t fit into society’s ideal beauty standards face a kind of uphill battle that you will never understand.

And still, we go out every day with all of this. In my eyes, that seams pretty strong.

I guess I'll quit rambling now. 
Till next time.

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